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Frequently Asked Questions

Course Registration

  1. Go to your Profile Page
  2. Scroll down, expand the course desired for registration
  3. Enter course registration key
  4. Click “Register”

To find where you can enter your course registration key, go to your “My Profile” page and scroll down. Once you’re registered to the system, the “My Profile” page is your login landing page. While you’re in the system you can find the “My Profile” link in the top navigation bar.


Each D.M.A.I.C phase is a Lesson, Lessons have several topics within them. All topics must be complete for a lesson to be complete. When all lessons and other certification requirements (e.g. certification exam and/or project for Black Belts) are complete, the course will be completed.


  1. Visit all topic page (eLearning modules and interactive quizzes)
  2. Pass The Phase Test

** All Topics Under Each Lesson Must Be Complete For Lessons To Be Completed and All Lessons Must Be Complete For Course Completion **

Courses are structured such that courses contain lessons and lessons contain topics. With the exception of test topics, all topics must be visited by the user. Visiting the topic will trigger a completion of that topic in the system. The lesson will be auto completed only after all of its topics and test are complete.



  1. All Lessons Must be Complete
  2. Certification Exam Passed
  3. For Black Belts, The Project Requirement Must Be Complete
  1. Wrong Key – You have entered the wrong key. Only the correct registration key will activate the “Register” button.
  2. Hidden Space – Check to make sure there are no spaces before or after your key.
  1. Wrong Key – You have entered the wrong key. Only the correct registration key will activate the “Register” button.
  2. Hidden Space – Check to make sure there are no spaces before or after your key.

On your “My Profile“page there is an “Edit My Profile” link located below your avatar. Clicking this link will take you to the page where you can edit your profile, change your password etc. Or, in the top navigation, hover over your name in the upper right hand corner, a drop-down menu will reveal an “Edit My Profile” link.

On your “My Profile“page there is an “Edit My Profile” link located below your picture or avatar. Clicking this link will take you to the page where you can edit your profile, change your password etc.


Tools, Templates, Data Files and Roadmaps can be found on the primary navigation bar from any page in the eLearning system.

On the login page there is a link to reset your password. Click the “Lost Your Password” link. Simply enter your email address when prompted and a password reset confirmation email will be sent to you. Confirm the email and change your password.



The system will run on ipads and mobile devices but performance is not the best on screen sizes under tablet or iPad.

Lean Sigma Corporation is the certification entity that certifies you as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt. Your provider partners with Lean Sigma Corporation for Lean Six Sigma content, systems, testing and certification. Lean Sigma Corporation’s curriculum and certification program has been reviewed and approved for accreditation by the Council for Six Sigma Certifications.